.build_release/tools/caffe caffe: command line brew usage: caffe commands: train train or finetune a model test score a model device_query show GPU diagnostic information time benchmark model execution time Flags from tools/caffe.cpp: -gpu (Run in GPU mode on given device ID.) type: int32 default: -1 -iterations (The number of iterations to run.) type: int32 default: 50 -model (The model definition protocol buffer text file..) type: string default: "" -snapshot (Optional; the snapshot solver state to resume training.) type: string default: "" -solver (The solver definition protocol buffer text file.) type: string default: "" -weights (Optional; the pretrained weights to initialize finetuning. Cannot be set simultaneously with snapshot.) type: string default: "" .build_release/test/test_all.testbin 0 --gtest_shuffle Cuda number of devices: 1 Setting to use device 0 Current device id: 0 Note: Randomizing tests' orders with a seed of 56079 . [==========] Running 1404 tests from 222 test cases. [----------] Global test environment set-up. [----------] 3 tests from BlobMathTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/3.TestAsum [ OK ] BlobMathTest/3.TestAsum (638 ms) [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/3.TestScaleData [ OK ] BlobMathTest/3.TestScaleData (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/3.TestSumOfSquares [ OK ] BlobMathTest/3.TestSumOfSquares (1 ms) [----------] 3 tests from BlobMathTest/3 (639 ms total) [----------] 44 tests from NeuronLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestBNLL [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestBNLL (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUConsistencyReLU [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUConsistencyReLU (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutGradientTest [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutGradientTest (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutHalf [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutHalf (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestTanHGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestTanHGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUInPlace [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUInPlace (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLU [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLU (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2Scale3 (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestTanH [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestTanH (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestAbsGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestAbsGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestBNLLGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestBNLLGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2Scale3 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUGradient (107 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUGradientChannelShared [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUGradientChannelShared (105 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUParam [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUParam (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestSigmoidGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestSigmoidGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUForward [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestSigmoid [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestSigmoid (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutThreeQuarters [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutThreeQuarters (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUWithNegativeSlope [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUWithNegativeSlope (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2Scale3 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlope [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlope (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayer [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayer (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUForwardChannelShared [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUForwardChannelShared (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayer [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayer (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutTestPhase [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutTestPhase (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestAbsVal [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestAbsVal (0 ms) [----------] 44 tests from NeuronLayerTest/0 (246 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from ImageDataLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestResize [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestResize (174 ms) [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestRead [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestRead (103 ms) [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestShuffle [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestShuffle (99 ms) [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestReshape [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestReshape (30 ms) [----------] 4 tests from ImageDataLayerTest/0 (406 ms total) [----------] 1 test from CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetup [ OK ] CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0 (0 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from MemoryDataLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/3.TestSetBatchSize [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/3.TestSetBatchSize (3 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/3.TestSetup [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/3.TestSetup (1 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/3.TestForward [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/3.TestForward (18 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/3.AddDatumVectorDefaultTransform [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/3.AddDatumVectorDefaultTransform (1 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/3.AddMatVectorDefaultTransform [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/3.AddMatVectorDefaultTransform (0 ms) [----------] 5 tests from MemoryDataLayerTest/3 (23 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from SPPLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestSetup [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestEqualOutputDims2 [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestEqualOutputDims2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestForwardBackward [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestForwardBackward (1 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestEqualOutputDims [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestEqualOutputDims (0 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestGradient (2043 ms) [----------] 5 tests from SPPLayerTest/0 (2044 ms total) [----------] 1 test from HDF5DataLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] HDF5DataLayerTest/2.TestRead [ OK ] HDF5DataLayerTest/2.TestRead (61 ms) [----------] 1 test from HDF5DataLayerTest/2 (61 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from TanHLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/2.TestTanHGradient [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/2.TestTanHGradient (17 ms) [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/2.TestTanHOverflow [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/2.TestTanHOverflow (0 ms) [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/2.TestTanH [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/2.TestTanH (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from TanHLayerTest/2 (17 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from ConcatLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/2.TestSetupNum [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/2.TestSetupNum (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/2.TestSetupChannelsNegativeIndexing [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/2.TestSetupChannelsNegativeIndexing (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/2.TestForwardChannels [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/2.TestForwardChannels (1 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/2.TestSetupChannels [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/2.TestSetupChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/2.TestGradientChannels [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/2.TestGradientChannels (51 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/2.TestForwardNum [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/2.TestForwardNum (1 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/2.TestGradientNum [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/2.TestGradientNum (66 ms) [----------] 7 tests from ConcatLayerTest/2 (119 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from PaddingLayerUpgradeTest [ RUN ] PaddingLayerUpgradeTest.TestSimple [ OK ] PaddingLayerUpgradeTest.TestSimple (0 ms) [ RUN ] PaddingLayerUpgradeTest.TestTwoTops [ OK ] PaddingLayerUpgradeTest.TestTwoTops (1 ms) [ RUN ] PaddingLayerUpgradeTest.TestImageNet [ OK ] PaddingLayerUpgradeTest.TestImageNet (1 ms) [----------] 3 tests from PaddingLayerUpgradeTest (2 ms total) [----------] 12 tests from ReshapeLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestForwardAfterReshape [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestForwardAfterReshape (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestInsertSingletonAxesStart [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestInsertSingletonAxesStart (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestFlattenMiddle [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestFlattenMiddle (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestFlattenOutputSizes [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestFlattenOutputSizes (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestInsertSingletonAxesMiddle [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestInsertSingletonAxesMiddle (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestForward [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestInferenceOfUnspecified [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestInferenceOfUnspecified (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestGradient (3 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestInsertSingletonAxesEnd [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestInsertSingletonAxesEnd (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestCopyDimensions [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestCopyDimensions (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestFlattenValues [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestFlattenValues (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestInferenceOfUnspecifiedWithStartAxis [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/2.TestInferenceOfUnspecifiedWithStartAxis (0 ms) [----------] 12 tests from ReshapeLayerTest/2 (3 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetupCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetupCuDNN (303 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientAveCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientAveCuDNN (1239 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientAvePaddedCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientAvePaddedCuDNN (3713 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetupPaddedCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetupPaddedCuDNN (0 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMaxCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMaxCuDNN (1 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientMaxCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientMaxCuDNN (1079 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMaxPaddedCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMaxPaddedCuDNN (0 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardAveCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardAveCuDNN (0 ms) [----------] 8 tests from CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/1 (6335 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from MemoryDataLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/2.TestForward [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/2.TestForward (17 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/2.TestSetup [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/2.TestSetup (1 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/2.TestSetBatchSize [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/2.TestSetBatchSize (1 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/2.AddDatumVectorDefaultTransform [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/2.AddDatumVectorDefaultTransform (0 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/2.AddMatVectorDefaultTransform [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/2.AddMatVectorDefaultTransform (1 ms) [----------] 5 tests from MemoryDataLayerTest/2 (20 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from DeconvolutionLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/3.TestGradient (9587 ms) [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/3.TestSimpleDeconvolution [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/3.TestSimpleDeconvolution (1 ms) [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/3.TestSetup [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/3.TestSetup (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from DeconvolutionLayerTest/3 (9588 ms total) [----------] 1 test from Im2colKernelTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] Im2colKernelTest/0.TestGPU [ OK ] Im2colKernelTest/0.TestGPU (30 ms) [----------] 1 test from Im2colKernelTest/0 (30 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from ConvolutionLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolution [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolution (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradientGroup [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradientGroup (23 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradient (76 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.Test1x1Convolution [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.Test1x1Convolution (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSobelConvolution [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSobelConvolution (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSetup [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolutionGroup [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolutionGroup (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.Test1x1Gradient [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.Test1x1Gradient (562 ms) [----------] 8 tests from ConvolutionLayerTest/0 (661 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestForward [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientLegacy [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientLegacy (97 ms) [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestForwardLegacy [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestForwardLegacy (0 ms) [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient (99 ms) [----------] 4 tests from ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1 (196 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from SliceLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossNum [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossNum (38 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSliceAcrossChannels [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSliceAcrossChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSetupNum [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSetupNum (0 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSetupChannels [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSetupChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSliceAcrossNum [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSliceAcrossNum (0 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannels [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannels (42 ms) [----------] 6 tests from SliceLayerTest/1 (80 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from ArgMaxLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestSetupMaxVal [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestSetupMaxVal (0 ms) [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUMaxValTopK [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUMaxValTopK (1 ms) [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestSetup [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPU [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPU (0 ms) [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUMaxVal [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUMaxVal (0 ms) [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUTopK [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUTopK (0 ms) [----------] 6 tests from ArgMaxLayerTest/1 (1 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from XavierFillerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] XavierFillerTest/0.TestFillAverage [ OK ] XavierFillerTest/0.TestFillAverage (0 ms) [ RUN ] XavierFillerTest/0.TestFillFanOut [ OK ] XavierFillerTest/0.TestFillFanOut (1 ms) [ RUN ] XavierFillerTest/0.TestFillFanIn [ OK ] XavierFillerTest/0.TestFillFanIn (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from XavierFillerTest/0 (1 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from EuclideanLossLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/0.TestForward [ OK ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms) [----------] 2 tests from EuclideanLossLayerTest/0 (1 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from ConcatLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/3.TestSetupNum [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/3.TestSetupNum (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/3.TestForwardChannels [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/3.TestForwardChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/3.TestGradientChannels [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/3.TestGradientChannels (37 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/3.TestForwardNum [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/3.TestForwardNum (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/3.TestSetupChannelsNegativeIndexing [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/3.TestSetupChannelsNegativeIndexing (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/3.TestSetupChannels [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/3.TestSetupChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/3.TestGradientNum [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/3.TestGradientNum (49 ms) [----------] 7 tests from ConcatLayerTest/3 (86 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from SoftmaxLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SoftmaxLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] SoftmaxLayerTest/2.TestGradient (1694 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxLayerTest/2.TestForward [ OK ] SoftmaxLayerTest/2.TestForward (1 ms) [----------] 2 tests from SoftmaxLayerTest/2 (1695 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from DBTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe11TypeLevelDBE [ RUN ] DBTest/0.TestSeekToFirst [ OK ] DBTest/0.TestSeekToFirst (31 ms) [ RUN ] DBTest/0.TestWrite [ OK ] DBTest/0.TestWrite (29 ms) [ RUN ] DBTest/0.TestGetDB [ OK ] DBTest/0.TestGetDB (13 ms) [ RUN ] DBTest/0.TestKeyValue [ OK ] DBTest/0.TestKeyValue (33 ms) [ RUN ] DBTest/0.TestNext [ OK ] DBTest/0.TestNext (27 ms) [----------] 5 tests from DBTest/0 (133 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from AccuracyLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestSetupTopK [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestSetupTopK (0 ms) [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardCPU [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardCPU (1 ms) [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardWithSpatialAxes [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardWithSpatialAxes (0 ms) [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardCPUTopK [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardCPUTopK (1 ms) [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestSetup [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardIgnoreLabel [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardIgnoreLabel (0 ms) [----------] 6 tests from AccuracyLayerTest/1 (2 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from HingeLossLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] HingeLossLayerTest/2.TestGradientL2 [ OK ] HingeLossLayerTest/2.TestGradientL2 (4 ms) [ RUN ] HingeLossLayerTest/2.TestGradientL1 [ OK ] HingeLossLayerTest/2.TestGradientL1 (5 ms) [----------] 2 tests from HingeLossLayerTest/2 (9 ms total) [----------] 1 test from SolverTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SolverTest/0.TestInitTrainTestNets [ OK ] SolverTest/0.TestInitTrainTestNets (1 ms) [----------] 1 test from SolverTest/0 (1 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from NesterovSolverTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdate [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdate (5 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (1 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum (10 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (25 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (5 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth (5 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter (24 ms) [----------] 7 tests from NesterovSolverTest/0 (75 ms total) [----------] 44 tests from NeuronLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLU [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLU (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayer [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayer (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutGradientTest [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutGradientTest (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutTestPhase [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutTestPhase (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestAbsVal [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestAbsVal (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanH [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanH (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUInPlace [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUInPlace (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutHalf [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutHalf (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Scale3 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoid [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoid (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestBNLL [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestBNLL (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanHGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanHGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestBNLLGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestBNLLGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestAbsGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestAbsGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUGradientChannelShared [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUGradientChannelShared (105 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2 (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUWithNegativeSlope [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUWithNegativeSlope (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoidGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoidGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayer [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayer (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUParam [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUParam (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUForwardChannelShared [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUForwardChannelShared (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlope [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlope (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUConsistencyReLU [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUConsistencyReLU (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUForward [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutThreeQuarters [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutThreeQuarters (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Scale3 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUGradient (106 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradient (2 ms) [----------] 44 tests from NeuronLayerTest/1 (245 ms total) [----------] 12 tests from ReshapeLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestFlattenValues [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestFlattenValues (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestFlattenMiddle [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestFlattenMiddle (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInsertSingletonAxesStart [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInsertSingletonAxesStart (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInsertSingletonAxesMiddle [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInsertSingletonAxesMiddle (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInsertSingletonAxesEnd [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInsertSingletonAxesEnd (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInferenceOfUnspecified [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInferenceOfUnspecified (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestForward [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInferenceOfUnspecifiedWithStartAxis [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInferenceOfUnspecifiedWithStartAxis (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestCopyDimensions [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestCopyDimensions (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestFlattenOutputSizes [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestFlattenOutputSizes (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestForwardAfterReshape [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestForwardAfterReshape (0 ms) [----------] 12 tests from ReshapeLayerTest/0 (2 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from BenchmarkTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/3.TestTimerStart [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/3.TestTimerStart (0 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/3.TestTimerConstructor [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/3.TestTimerConstructor (0 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/3.TestTimerMilliSeconds [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/3.TestTimerMilliSeconds (306 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/3.TestTimerStop [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/3.TestTimerStop (0 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/3.TestTimerSeconds [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/3.TestTimerSeconds (304 ms) [----------] 5 tests from BenchmarkTest/3 (610 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from SGDSolverTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter (26 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (5 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (26 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (1 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdate [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdate (5 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth (5 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum (10 ms) [----------] 7 tests from SGDSolverTest/1 (78 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from Im2colLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/3.TestRectGradient [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/3.TestRectGradient (2786 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/3.TestGradient (3140 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/3.TestForward [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/3.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/3.TestRect [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/3.TestRect (0 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/3.TestSetup [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/3.TestSetup (0 ms) [----------] 5 tests from Im2colLayerTest/3 (5927 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from ConcatLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestForwardChannels [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestForwardChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestSetupChannels [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestSetupChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestSetupNum [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestSetupNum (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestForwardNum [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestForwardNum (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestSetupChannelsNegativeIndexing [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestSetupChannelsNegativeIndexing (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestGradientChannels [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestGradientChannels (4 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestGradientNum [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestGradientNum (4 ms) [----------] 7 tests from ConcatLayerTest/1 (8 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from BlobSimpleTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestReshape [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestReshape (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestLegacyBlobProtoShapeEquals [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestLegacyBlobProtoShapeEquals (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestPointersCPUGPU [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestPointersCPUGPU (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestInitialization [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestInitialization (0 ms) [----------] 4 tests from BlobSimpleTest/1 (0 ms total) [----------] 1 test from HDF5OutputLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] HDF5OutputLayerTest/2.TestForward [ OK ] HDF5OutputLayerTest/2.TestForward (3 ms) [----------] 1 test from HDF5OutputLayerTest/2 (3 ms total) [----------] 12 tests from DataLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLMDB (29 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLevelDB (8 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTestLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTestLevelDB (15 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadLMDB (25 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReshapeLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReshapeLMDB (19 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainLevelDB (5 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLMDB (30 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainLMDB (19 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTestLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTestLMDB (20 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadLevelDB (10 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReshapeLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReshapeLevelDB (14 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLevelDB (4 ms) [----------] 12 tests from DataLayerTest/0 (198 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from BenchmarkTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerStart [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerStart (0 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerSeconds [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerSeconds (305 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerMilliSeconds [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerMilliSeconds (301 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerStop [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerStop (0 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerConstructor [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerConstructor (0 ms) [----------] 5 tests from BenchmarkTest/0 (606 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from SGDSolverTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdate [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdate (88 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (6 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (4 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth (6 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter (35 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum (12 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (36 ms) [----------] 7 tests from SGDSolverTest/2 (187 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from CPUMathFunctionsTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestAsum [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestAsum (2 ms) [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestHammingDistance [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestHammingDistance (3 ms) [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestNothing [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestNothing (2 ms) [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestCopy [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestCopy (2 ms) [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestScale [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestScale (2 ms) [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestFabs [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestFabs (3 ms) [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestSgnbit [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestSgnbit (2 ms) [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestSign [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestSign (3 ms) [----------] 8 tests from CPUMathFunctionsTest/0 (19 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from SPPLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/2.TestSetup [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/2.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/2.TestForwardBackward [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/2.TestForwardBackward (1 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/2.TestGradient (13777 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/2.TestEqualOutputDims [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/2.TestEqualOutputDims (1 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/2.TestEqualOutputDims2 [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/2.TestEqualOutputDims2 (0 ms) [----------] 5 tests from SPPLayerTest/2 (13779 ms total) [----------] 10 tests from EltwiseLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestMax [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestMax (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSumGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSumGradient (3 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestUnstableProdGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestUnstableProdGradient (3 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffGradient (3 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestProd [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestProd (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestMaxGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestMaxGradient (4 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeff [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSetUp [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSetUp (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestStableProdGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestStableProdGradient (3 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSum [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSum (0 ms) [----------] 10 tests from EltwiseLayerTest/0 (16 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from ImageDataLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/2.TestResize [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/2.TestResize (92 ms) [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/2.TestReshape [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/2.TestReshape (30 ms) [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/2.TestShuffle [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/2.TestShuffle (100 ms) [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/2.TestRead [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/2.TestRead (98 ms) [----------] 4 tests from ImageDataLayerTest/2 (320 ms total) [----------] 1 test from UniformFillerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] UniformFillerTest/0.TestFill [ OK ] UniformFillerTest/0.TestFill (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from UniformFillerTest/0 (0 ms total) [----------] 1 test from GaussianFillerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] GaussianFillerTest/0.TestFill [ OK ] GaussianFillerTest/0.TestFill (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from GaussianFillerTest/0 (0 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from BlobSimpleTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestReshape [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestReshape (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestLegacyBlobProtoShapeEquals [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestLegacyBlobProtoShapeEquals (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestInitialization [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestInitialization (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestPointersCPUGPU [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestPointersCPUGPU (1 ms) [----------] 4 tests from BlobSimpleTest/0 (1 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from SGDSolverTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (4 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter (35 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdate [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdate (6 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (37 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth (6 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum (13 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (6 ms) [----------] 7 tests from SGDSolverTest/3 (107 ms total) [----------] 27 tests from ReductionLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1Gradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1Gradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSetUpWithAxis2 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSetUpWithAxis2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMean [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMean (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSum [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSum (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSetUp [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSetUp (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeffGradientAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeffGradientAxis1 (2 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquares [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquares (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffGradient (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeffGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1Gradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1Gradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffAxis1Gradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffAxis1Gradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSum [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSum (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeffGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSetUpWithAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSetUpWithAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeffAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeff (0 ms) [----------] 27 tests from ReductionLayerTest/1 (13 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from FilterLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/1.TestGradient (258 ms) [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/1.TestForward [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/1.TestReshape [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/1.TestReshape (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from FilterLayerTest/1 (258 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from Im2colLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/2.TestGradient (2840 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/2.TestRectGradient [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/2.TestRectGradient (2787 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/2.TestSetup [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/2.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/2.TestRect [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/2.TestRect (0 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/2.TestForward [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/2.TestForward (0 ms) [----------] 5 tests from Im2colLayerTest/2 (5627 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from SoftmaxLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SoftmaxLayerTest/3.TestForward [ OK ] SoftmaxLayerTest/3.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] SoftmaxLayerTest/3.TestGradient (1756 ms) [----------] 2 tests from SoftmaxLayerTest/3 (1756 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from Im2colLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestSetup [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestGradient (324 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestForward [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestRectGradient [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestRectGradient (291 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestRect [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestRect (0 ms) [----------] 5 tests from Im2colLayerTest/1 (615 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from BenchmarkTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerMilliSeconds [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerMilliSeconds (302 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerSeconds [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerSeconds (302 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerStart [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerStart (1 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerStop [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerStop (0 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerConstructor [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerConstructor (0 ms) [----------] 5 tests from BenchmarkTest/1 (605 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from CPUMathFunctionsTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestScale [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestScale (4 ms) [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestSgnbit [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestSgnbit (3 ms) [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestHammingDistance [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestHammingDistance (5 ms) [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestCopy [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestCopy (3 ms) [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestFabs [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestFabs (4 ms) [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestNothing [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestNothing (2 ms) [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestSign [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestSign (4 ms) [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestAsum [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestAsum (3 ms) [----------] 8 tests from CPUMathFunctionsTest/1 (28 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from SoftmaxLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SoftmaxLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] SoftmaxLayerTest/0.TestGradient (131 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxLayerTest/0.TestForward [ OK ] SoftmaxLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms) [----------] 2 tests from SoftmaxLayerTest/0 (131 ms total) [----------] 1 test from HDF5DataLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] HDF5DataLayerTest/1.TestRead [ OK ] HDF5DataLayerTest/1.TestRead (2 ms) [----------] 1 test from HDF5DataLayerTest/1 (2 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from LRNLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestForwardAcrossChannelsLargeRegion [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestForwardAcrossChannelsLargeRegion (0 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannelsLargeRegion [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannelsLargeRegion (575 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestForwardWithinChannel [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestForwardWithinChannel (0 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithinChannel [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithinChannel (0 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestForwardAcrossChannels [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestForwardAcrossChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannels [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannels (466 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestSetupAcrossChannels [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestSetupAcrossChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestGradientWithinChannel [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestGradientWithinChannel (433 ms) [----------] 8 tests from LRNLayerTest/0 (1474 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from MemoryDataLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.TestForward [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.TestForward (17 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.AddMatVectorDefaultTransform [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.AddMatVectorDefaultTransform (1 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.TestSetup [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.TestSetBatchSize [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.TestSetBatchSize (1 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.AddDatumVectorDefaultTransform [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.AddDatumVectorDefaultTransform (1 ms) [----------] 5 tests from MemoryDataLayerTest/1 (20 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from SPPLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestGradient (2014 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestEqualOutputDims2 [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestEqualOutputDims2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestForwardBackward [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestForwardBackward (0 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestEqualOutputDims [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestEqualOutputDims (0 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestSetup [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms) [----------] 5 tests from SPPLayerTest/1 (2014 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from DummyDataLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] DummyDataLayerTest/1.TestOneTopConstant [ OK ] DummyDataLayerTest/1.TestOneTopConstant (0 ms) [ RUN ] DummyDataLayerTest/1.TestTwoTopConstant [ OK ] DummyDataLayerTest/1.TestTwoTopConstant (0 ms) [ RUN ] DummyDataLayerTest/1.TestThreeTopConstantGaussianConstant [ OK ] DummyDataLayerTest/1.TestThreeTopConstantGaussianConstant (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from DummyDataLayerTest/1 (0 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from ConvolutionLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.TestSimpleConvolution [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.TestSimpleConvolution (1 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.Test1x1Gradient [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.Test1x1Gradient (9134 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.TestSobelConvolution [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.TestSobelConvolution (1 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.TestGradientGroup [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.TestGradientGroup (400 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.TestSimpleConvolutionGroup [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.TestSimpleConvolutionGroup (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.Test1x1Convolution [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.Test1x1Convolution (1 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.TestGradient (1306 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.TestSetup [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/2.TestSetup (0 ms) [----------] 8 tests from ConvolutionLayerTest/2 (10843 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0.TestForward [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0.TestForward (1 ms) [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0.TestBackward [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0.TestBackward (0 ms) [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0.TestSetup [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0 (1 ms total) [----------] 1 test from LayerFactoryTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] LayerFactoryTest/2.TestCreateLayer [ OK ] LayerFactoryTest/2.TestCreateLayer (1 ms) [----------] 1 test from LayerFactoryTest/2 (1 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from Im2colLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestSetup [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestForward [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestGradient (325 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestRectGradient [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestRectGradient (290 ms) [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestRect [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestRect (0 ms) [----------] 5 tests from Im2colLayerTest/0 (615 ms total) [----------] 27 tests from ReductionLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1Gradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1Gradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSum [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSum (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSetUp [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSetUp (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeffAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresGradient (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffAxis1Gradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffAxis1Gradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1Gradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1Gradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSetUpWithAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSetUpWithAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeffGradientAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeffGradientAxis1 (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMean [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMean (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSetUpWithAxis2 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSetUpWithAxis2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeffGradient (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquares [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquares (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeffGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSum [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSum (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanGradient (1 ms) [----------] 27 tests from ReductionLayerTest/0 (12 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from LRNLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestSetupAcrossChannels [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestSetupAcrossChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestForwardAcrossChannelsLargeRegion [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestForwardAcrossChannelsLargeRegion (0 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestGradientAcrossChannelsLargeRegion [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestGradientAcrossChannelsLargeRegion (1071 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestSetupWithinChannel [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestSetupWithinChannel (0 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestGradientAcrossChannels [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestGradientAcrossChannels (1070 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestForwardWithinChannel [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestForwardWithinChannel (1 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestGradientWithinChannel [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestGradientWithinChannel (2144 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestForwardAcrossChannels [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/2.TestForwardAcrossChannels (0 ms) [----------] 8 tests from LRNLayerTest/2 (4286 ms total) [----------] 11 tests from PoolingLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientAvePadded [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientAvePadded (730 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientMax [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientMax (487 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMaxPadded [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMaxPadded (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientAve [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientAve (195 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetup [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetupPadded [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetupPadded (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetupGlobalPooling [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetupGlobalPooling (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientMaxTopMask [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientMaxTopMask (444 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardAve [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardAve (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMax [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMax (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMaxTopMask [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMaxTopMask (0 ms) [----------] 11 tests from PoolingLayerTest/1 (1856 ms total) [----------] 12 tests from ReshapeLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestInferenceOfUnspecifiedWithStartAxis [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestInferenceOfUnspecifiedWithStartAxis (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestInsertSingletonAxesMiddle [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestInsertSingletonAxesMiddle (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestFlattenOutputSizes [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestFlattenOutputSizes (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestGradient (3 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestFlattenMiddle [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestFlattenMiddle (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestFlattenValues [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestFlattenValues (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestInsertSingletonAxesStart [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestInsertSingletonAxesStart (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestForward [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestForwardAfterReshape [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestForwardAfterReshape (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestInferenceOfUnspecified [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestInferenceOfUnspecified (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestCopyDimensions [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestCopyDimensions (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestInsertSingletonAxesEnd [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/3.TestInsertSingletonAxesEnd (0 ms) [----------] 12 tests from ReshapeLayerTest/3 (3 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from SplitLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/0.TestGradient (4 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/0.Test [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/0.Test (0 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/0.TestSetup [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from SplitLayerTest/0 (4 ms total) [----------] 1 test from LayerFactoryTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] LayerFactoryTest/0.TestCreateLayer [ OK ] LayerFactoryTest/0.TestCreateLayer (1 ms) [----------] 1 test from LayerFactoryTest/0 (1 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from AdaGradSolverTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdate [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdate (5 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth (5 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (5 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (1 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (25 ms) [----------] 5 tests from AdaGradSolverTest/0 (41 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from ThresholdLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/3.TestSetup [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/3.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/3.Test [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/3.Test (0 ms) [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/3.Test2 [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/3.Test2 (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from ThresholdLayerTest/3 (0 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from HingeLossLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] HingeLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientL1 [ OK ] HingeLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientL1 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HingeLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientL2 [ OK ] HingeLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientL2 (0 ms) [----------] 2 tests from HingeLossLayerTest/1 (1 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from SplitLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/3.TestGradient (19 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/3.Test [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/3.Test (0 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/3.TestSetup [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/3.TestSetup (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from SplitLayerTest/3 (19 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from AdaGradSolverTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/2.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/2.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (6 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (4 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/2.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdate [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/2.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdate (6 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/2.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/2.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (36 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/2.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/2.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth (6 ms) [----------] 5 tests from AdaGradSolverTest/2 (59 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from MVNLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestForward [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannels [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannels (208 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestForwardAcrossChannels [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestForwardAcrossChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestGradientMeanOnly [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestGradientMeanOnly (207 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestGradient (210 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestForwardMeanOnly [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestForwardMeanOnly (0 ms) [----------] 6 tests from MVNLayerTest/0 (625 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from BlobMathTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/0.TestAsum [ OK ] BlobMathTest/0.TestAsum (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/0.TestScaleData [ OK ] BlobMathTest/0.TestScaleData (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/0.TestSumOfSquares [ OK ] BlobMathTest/0.TestSumOfSquares (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from BlobMathTest/0 (0 ms total) [----------] 1 test from ConstantFillerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] ConstantFillerTest/1.TestFill [ OK ] ConstantFillerTest/1.TestFill (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from ConstantFillerTest/1 (0 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from NesterovSolverTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (6 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/2.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/2.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (6 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/2.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/2.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (37 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/2.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter (36 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/2.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/2.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth (6 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/2.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/2.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum (13 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/2.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdate [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/2.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdate (6 ms) [----------] 7 tests from NesterovSolverTest/2 (110 ms total) [----------] 1 test from HDF5DataLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] HDF5DataLayerTest/0.TestRead [ OK ] HDF5DataLayerTest/0.TestRead (2 ms) [----------] 1 test from HDF5DataLayerTest/0 (2 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from ConvolutionLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSetup [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSobelConvolution [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSobelConvolution (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.Test1x1Convolution [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.Test1x1Convolution (1 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradient (72 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.Test1x1Gradient [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.Test1x1Gradient (577 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradientGroup [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradientGroup (22 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleConvolutionGroup [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleConvolutionGroup (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleConvolution [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleConvolution (0 ms) [----------] 8 tests from ConvolutionLayerTest/1 (672 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from SPPLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/3.TestEqualOutputDims2 [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/3.TestEqualOutputDims2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/3.TestForwardBackward [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/3.TestForwardBackward (1 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/3.TestGradient (14840 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/3.TestEqualOutputDims [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/3.TestEqualOutputDims (0 ms) [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/3.TestSetup [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/3.TestSetup (0 ms) [----------] 5 tests from SPPLayerTest/3 (14841 ms total) [----------] 12 tests from DataTransformTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestEmptyTransformUniquePixels [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestEmptyTransformUniquePixels (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMeanValues [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMeanValues (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropTrain [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropTrain (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropTest [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMirrorTrain [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMirrorTrain (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropMirrorTrain [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropMirrorTrain (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropSize [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropSize (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMeanFile [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMeanFile (1 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropMirrorTest [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropMirrorTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMirrorTest [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMirrorTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMeanValue [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMeanValue (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestEmptyTransform [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestEmptyTransform (0 ms) [----------] 12 tests from DataTransformTest/0 (1 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from HingeLossLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] HingeLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientL2 [ OK ] HingeLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientL2 (1 ms) [ RUN ] HingeLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientL1 [ OK ] HingeLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientL1 (0 ms) [----------] 2 tests from HingeLossLayerTest/0 (1 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from FilterLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/0.TestReshape [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/0.TestReshape (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/0.TestGradient (254 ms) [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/0.TestForward [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from FilterLayerTest/0 (254 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from FilterLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/3.TestGradient (3462 ms) [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/3.TestForward [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/3.TestForward (1 ms) [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/3.TestReshape [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/3.TestReshape (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from FilterLayerTest/3 (3463 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from ImageDataLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestRead [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestRead (112 ms) [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestShuffle [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestShuffle (104 ms) [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestReshape [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestReshape (32 ms) [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestResize [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestResize (95 ms) [----------] 4 tests from ImageDataLayerTest/1 (343 ms total) [----------] 1 test from InfogainLossLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] InfogainLossLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] InfogainLossLayerTest/2.TestGradient (5 ms) [----------] 1 test from InfogainLossLayerTest/2 (5 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from BenchmarkTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerStart [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerStart (0 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerMilliSeconds [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerMilliSeconds (305 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerConstructor [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerConstructor (0 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerStop [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerStop (0 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerSeconds [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerSeconds (304 ms) [----------] 5 tests from BenchmarkTest/2 (609 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/1.TestSigmoidCrossEntropyLoss [ OK ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/1.TestSigmoidCrossEntropyLoss (1 ms) [ RUN ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient (1 ms) [----------] 2 tests from SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/1 (2 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from DeconvolutionLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSetup [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleDeconvolution [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleDeconvolution (0 ms) [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradient (497 ms) [----------] 3 tests from DeconvolutionLayerTest/0 (497 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from InnerProductLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/2.TestSetUp [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/2.TestSetUp (0 ms) [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/2.TestForward [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/2.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/2.TestGradient (1143 ms) [----------] 3 tests from InnerProductLayerTest/2 (1143 ms total) [----------] 12 tests from DataLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTrainLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTrainLevelDB (5 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLMDB (29 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadLevelDB (16 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLMDB (29 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadLMDB (32 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLevelDB (7 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTrainLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTrainLMDB (20 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTestLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTestLevelDB (5 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLevelDB (14 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTestLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReadCropTestLMDB (20 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReshapeLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReshapeLMDB (21 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReshapeLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/3.TestReshapeLevelDB (5 ms) [----------] 12 tests from DataLayerTest/3 (203 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from DBTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe8TypeLMDBE [ RUN ] DBTest/1.TestGetDB [ OK ] DBTest/1.TestGetDB (23 ms) [ RUN ] DBTest/1.TestNext [ OK ] DBTest/1.TestNext (30 ms) [ RUN ] DBTest/1.TestSeekToFirst [ OK ] DBTest/1.TestSeekToFirst (31 ms) [ RUN ] DBTest/1.TestKeyValue [ OK ] DBTest/1.TestKeyValue (32 ms) [ RUN ] DBTest/1.TestWrite [ OK ] DBTest/1.TestWrite (33 ms) [----------] 5 tests from DBTest/1 (149 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from ConcatLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestSetupNum [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestSetupNum (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestForwardNum [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestForwardNum (1 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestSetupChannelsNegativeIndexing [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestSetupChannelsNegativeIndexing (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestGradientNum [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestGradientNum (4 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestForwardChannels [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestForwardChannels (1 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestSetupChannels [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestSetupChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestGradientChannels [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestGradientChannels (3 ms) [----------] 7 tests from ConcatLayerTest/0 (9 ms total) [----------] 11 tests from PoolingLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientAvePadded [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientAvePadded (714 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientAve [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientAve (190 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardAve [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardAve (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMaxTopMask [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMaxTopMask (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientMaxTopMask [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientMaxTopMask (443 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMaxPadded [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMaxPadded (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientMax [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientMax (478 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetupPadded [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetupPadded (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetupGlobalPooling [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetupGlobalPooling (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMax [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMax (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetup [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms) [----------] 11 tests from PoolingLayerTest/0 (1825 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from SGDSolverTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdate [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdate (5 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum (10 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (5 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter (24 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (1 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (24 ms) [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth (5 ms) [----------] 7 tests from SGDSolverTest/0 (74 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSetupCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSetupCuDNN (0 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleConvolutionGroupCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleConvolutionGroupCuDNN (30 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSobelConvolutionCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSobelConvolutionCuDNN (1 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradientCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradientCuDNN (1161 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleConvolutionCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleConvolutionCuDNN (0 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradientGroupCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradientGroupCuDNN (404 ms) [----------] 6 tests from CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/1 (1596 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/0.TestSigmoidCrossEntropyLoss [ OK ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/0.TestSigmoidCrossEntropyLoss (1 ms) [----------] 2 tests from SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/0 (2 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/3.TestGradientIgnoreLabel [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/3.TestGradientIgnoreLabel (274 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/3.TestGradientUnnormalized [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/3.TestGradientUnnormalized (254 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/3.TestGradient (270 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/3.TestForwardIgnoreLabel [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/3.TestForwardIgnoreLabel (3 ms) [----------] 4 tests from SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/3 (801 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from InnerProductLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestGradient (94 ms) [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestForward [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestSetUp [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestSetUp (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from InnerProductLayerTest/1 (94 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from FlattenLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetup [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithEndAxis [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithEndAxis (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithStartAndEndAxis [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithStartAndEndAxis (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestForward [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithAxis [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithAxis (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestGradient (2 ms) [----------] 6 tests from FlattenLayerTest/1 (2 ms total) [----------] 1 test from CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetup [ OK ] CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1 (0 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from MaxPoolingDropoutTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/2.TestBackward [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/2.TestBackward (49 ms) [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/2.TestSetup [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/2.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/2.TestForward [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/2.TestForward (28 ms) [----------] 3 tests from MaxPoolingDropoutTest/2 (77 ms total) [----------] 9 tests from SplitLayerInsertionTest [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertionImageNet [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertionImageNet (1 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestWithInPlace [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestWithInPlace (0 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestLossInsertion [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestLossInsertion (0 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestInputInsertion [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestInputInsertion (0 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertion1 [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertion1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestInsertion [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestInsertion (1 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertionWithInPlace [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertionWithInPlace (0 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertion2 [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertion2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestInsertionTwoTop [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestInsertionTwoTop (0 ms) [----------] 9 tests from SplitLayerInsertionTest (2 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from LRNLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestForwardWithinChannel [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestForwardWithinChannel (0 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestSetupWithinChannel [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestSetupWithinChannel (1 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestGradientAcrossChannels [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestGradientAcrossChannels (1073 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestGradientWithinChannel [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestGradientWithinChannel (2383 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestForwardAcrossChannels [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestForwardAcrossChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestForwardAcrossChannelsLargeRegion [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestForwardAcrossChannelsLargeRegion (1 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestGradientAcrossChannelsLargeRegion [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestGradientAcrossChannelsLargeRegion (1068 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestSetupAcrossChannels [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/3.TestSetupAcrossChannels (0 ms) [----------] 8 tests from LRNLayerTest/3 (4526 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from MVNLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/2.TestForward [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/2.TestForward (1 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/2.TestGradient (2853 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/2.TestGradientMeanOnly [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/2.TestGradientMeanOnly (2854 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/2.TestGradientAcrossChannels [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/2.TestGradientAcrossChannels (2854 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/2.TestForwardAcrossChannels [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/2.TestForwardAcrossChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/2.TestForwardMeanOnly [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/2.TestForwardMeanOnly (0 ms) [----------] 6 tests from MVNLayerTest/2 (8562 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from NesterovSolverTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/3.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/3.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (7 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/3.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/3.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth (6 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter (36 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/3.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/3.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (36 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/3.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdate [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/3.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdate (6 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/3.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/3.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum (13 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (5 ms) [----------] 7 tests from NesterovSolverTest/3 (109 ms total) [----------] 1 test from SolverTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SolverTest/3.TestInitTrainTestNets [ OK ] SolverTest/3.TestInitTrainTestNets (1 ms) [----------] 1 test from SolverTest/3 (1 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0.TestStochastic [ OK ] GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0.TestStochastic (27 ms) [ RUN ] GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0.TestStochasticTestPhase [ OK ] GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0.TestStochasticTestPhase (0 ms) [ RUN ] GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradient (9443 ms) [----------] 3 tests from GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0 (9470 ms total) [----------] 22 tests from NetTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestHasLayer [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestHasLayer (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestUnsharedWeightsDiffNet [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestUnsharedWeightsDiffNet (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestHasBlob [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestHasBlob (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestBackwardWithAccuracyLayer [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestBackwardWithAccuracyLayer (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestUnsharedWeightsDataNet [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestUnsharedWeightsDataNet (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestSharedWeightsResume [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestSharedWeightsResume (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestSharedWeightsUpdate [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestSharedWeightsUpdate (2 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestLossWeightMidNet [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestLossWeightMidNet (5 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestComboLossWeight [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestComboLossWeight (6 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestSharedWeightsDiffNet [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestSharedWeightsDiffNet (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestSharedWeightsDataNet [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestSharedWeightsDataNet (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestParamPropagateDown [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestParamPropagateDown (3 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestBottomNeedBackward [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestBottomNeedBackward (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestGetLayerByName [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestGetLayerByName (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestReshape [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestReshape (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestSkipPropagateDown [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestSkipPropagateDown (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestBottomNeedBackwardEuclideanForce [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestBottomNeedBackwardEuclideanForce (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestBottomNeedBackwardTricky [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestBottomNeedBackwardTricky (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestGetBlob [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestGetBlob (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestBottomNeedBackwardForce [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestBottomNeedBackwardForce (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestLossWeight [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestLossWeight (5 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/2.TestFromTo [ OK ] NetTest/2.TestFromTo (2 ms) [----------] 22 tests from NetTest/2 (34 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientMaxCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientMaxCuDNN (1108 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetupCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetupCuDNN (0 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetupPaddedCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetupPaddedCuDNN (0 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardAveCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardAveCuDNN (0 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientAvePaddedCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientAvePaddedCuDNN (3620 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientAveCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientAveCuDNN (1140 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMaxPaddedCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMaxPaddedCuDNN (0 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMaxCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMaxCuDNN (17 ms) [----------] 8 tests from CuDNNPoolingLayerTest/0 (5885 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from FlattenLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithAxis [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithAxis (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithStartAndEndAxis [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithStartAndEndAxis (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetup [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithEndAxis [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithEndAxis (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestForward [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms) [----------] 6 tests from FlattenLayerTest/0 (2 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from TanHLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/3.TestTanHGradient [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/3.TestTanHGradient (11 ms) [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/3.TestTanHOverflow [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/3.TestTanHOverflow (0 ms) [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/3.TestTanH [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/3.TestTanH (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from TanHLayerTest/3 (11 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from LRNLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestForwardAcrossChannels [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestForwardAcrossChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannels [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannels (521 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithinChannel [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithinChannel (0 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannelsLargeRegion [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannelsLargeRegion (637 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestGradientWithinChannel [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestGradientWithinChannel (428 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestSetupAcrossChannels [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestSetupAcrossChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestForwardAcrossChannelsLargeRegion [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestForwardAcrossChannelsLargeRegion (1 ms) [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestForwardWithinChannel [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestForwardWithinChannel (0 ms) [----------] 8 tests from LRNLayerTest/1 (1587 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from GPUMathFunctionsTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestSign [ OK ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestSign (3 ms) [ RUN ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestSgnbit [ OK ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestSgnbit (3 ms) [ RUN ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestScale [ OK ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestScale (3 ms) [ RUN ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestCopy [ OK ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestCopy (3 ms) [ RUN ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestAsum [ OK ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestAsum (2 ms) [ RUN ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestFabs [ OK ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestFabs (3 ms) [----------] 6 tests from GPUMathFunctionsTest/0 (17 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from FilterLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/2.TestReshape [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/2.TestReshape (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/2.TestForward [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/2.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/2.TestGradient (3511 ms) [----------] 3 tests from FilterLayerTest/2 (3511 ms total) [----------] 22 tests from NetTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackward [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackward (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestGetBlob [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestGetBlob (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestHasBlob [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestHasBlob (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestComboLossWeight [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestComboLossWeight (2 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsUpdate [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsUpdate (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestParamPropagateDown [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestParamPropagateDown (2 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestLossWeight [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestLossWeight (2 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestSkipPropagateDown [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestSkipPropagateDown (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestReshape [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestReshape (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestFromTo [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestFromTo (35 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestUnsharedWeightsDiffNet [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestUnsharedWeightsDiffNet (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestBackwardWithAccuracyLayer [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestBackwardWithAccuracyLayer (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackwardEuclideanForce [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackwardEuclideanForce (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackwardForce [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackwardForce (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestUnsharedWeightsDataNet [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestUnsharedWeightsDataNet (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackwardTricky [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackwardTricky (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestHasLayer [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestHasLayer (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsDiffNet [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsDiffNet (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestLossWeightMidNet [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestLossWeightMidNet (3 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestGetLayerByName [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestGetLayerByName (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsDataNet [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsDataNet (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsResume [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsResume (1 ms) [----------] 22 tests from NetTest/0 (54 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from ArgMaxLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPU [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPU (0 ms) [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUMaxVal [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUMaxVal (0 ms) [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUTopK [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUTopK (0 ms) [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUMaxValTopK [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUMaxValTopK (0 ms) [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestSetup [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestSetupMaxVal [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestSetupMaxVal (0 ms) [----------] 6 tests from ArgMaxLayerTest/0 (0 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from CuDNNSoftmaxLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] CuDNNSoftmaxLayerTest/1.TestForwardCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNSoftmaxLayerTest/1.TestForwardCuDNN (1 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNSoftmaxLayerTest/1.TestGradientCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNSoftmaxLayerTest/1.TestGradientCuDNN (7907 ms) [----------] 2 tests from CuDNNSoftmaxLayerTest/1 (7908 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1.TestForward [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1.TestSetup [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1.TestBackward [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1.TestBackward (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1 (0 ms total) [----------] 1 test from LayerFactoryTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] LayerFactoryTest/3.TestCreateLayer [ OK ] LayerFactoryTest/3.TestCreateLayer (1 ms) [----------] 1 test from LayerFactoryTest/3 (1 ms total) [----------] 1 test from PositiveUnitballFillerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] PositiveUnitballFillerTest/0.TestFill [ OK ] PositiveUnitballFillerTest/0.TestFill (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from PositiveUnitballFillerTest/0 (0 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient (6 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestForwardIgnoreLabel [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestForwardIgnoreLabel (0 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientIgnoreLabel [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientIgnoreLabel (6 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientUnnormalized [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientUnnormalized (6 ms) [----------] 4 tests from SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1 (18 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from InnerProductLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestSetUp [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestSetUp (0 ms) [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestGradient (91 ms) [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestForward [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from InnerProductLayerTest/0 (91 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from AdaGradSolverTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdate [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdate (5 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (5 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth (5 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (27 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (0 ms) [----------] 5 tests from AdaGradSolverTest/1 (42 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from TanHLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/1.TestTanHGradient [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/1.TestTanHGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/1.TestTanHOverflow [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/1.TestTanHOverflow (0 ms) [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/1.TestTanH [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/1.TestTanH (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from TanHLayerTest/1 (2 ms total) [----------] 1 test from SolverTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SolverTest/1.TestInitTrainTestNets [ OK ] SolverTest/1.TestInitTrainTestNets (1 ms) [----------] 1 test from SolverTest/1 (1 ms total) [----------] 10 tests from PowerLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerOneGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerOneGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerTwoGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerTwoGradient (3 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerOne [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerOne (0 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPower [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPower (0 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerTwoScaleHalfGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerTwoScaleHalfGradient (3 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerZeroGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerZeroGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerZero [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerZero (0 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerGradientShiftZero [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerGradientShiftZero (3 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerTwo [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerTwo (0 ms) [----------] 10 tests from PowerLayerTest/1 (14 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from SoftmaxLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SoftmaxLayerTest/1.TestForward [ OK ] SoftmaxLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] SoftmaxLayerTest/1.TestGradient (132 ms) [----------] 2 tests from SoftmaxLayerTest/1 (132 ms total) [----------] 26 tests from IOTest [ RUN ] IOTest.TestCVMatToDatumContent [ OK ] IOTest.TestCVMatToDatumContent (11 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumContent [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumContent (9 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumGray [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumGray (4 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatum [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatum (12 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumNative [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumNative (12 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatContent [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatContent (38 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumResizedSquare [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumResizedSquare (5 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadFileToDatum [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadFileToDatum (0 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatResizedGray [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatResizedGray (3 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatNative [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatNative (4 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumReference [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumReference (11 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatContentNative [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatContentNative (16 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumResizedGray [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumResizedGray (2 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatResized [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatResized (4 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumResized [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumResized (4 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumNativeGray [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumNativeGray (24 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatum [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatum (4 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMat [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMat (7 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMat [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMat (4 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatNativeGray [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatNativeGray (2 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumReferenceResized [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumReferenceResized (8 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestCVMatToDatum [ OK ] IOTest.TestCVMatToDatum (4 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatResizedSquare [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatResizedSquare (4 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatGray [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatGray (3 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumContentGray [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumContentGray (4 ms) [ RUN ] IOTest.TestCVMatToDatumReference [ OK ] IOTest.TestCVMatToDatumReference (12 ms) [----------] 26 tests from IOTest (211 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from GemmTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] GemmTest/1.TestGemvCPUGPU [ OK ] GemmTest/1.TestGemvCPUGPU (0 ms) [ RUN ] GemmTest/1.TestGemmCPUGPU [ OK ] GemmTest/1.TestGemmCPUGPU (0 ms) [----------] 2 tests from GemmTest/1 (0 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from BlobMathTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/2.TestScaleData [ OK ] BlobMathTest/2.TestScaleData (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/2.TestSumOfSquares [ OK ] BlobMathTest/2.TestSumOfSquares (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/2.TestAsum [ OK ] BlobMathTest/2.TestAsum (1 ms) [----------] 3 tests from BlobMathTest/2 (1 ms total) [----------] 1 test from InfogainLossLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] InfogainLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] InfogainLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from InfogainLossLayerTest/1 (0 ms total) [----------] 1 test from LayerFactoryTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] LayerFactoryTest/1.TestCreateLayer [ OK ] LayerFactoryTest/1.TestCreateLayer (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from LayerFactoryTest/1 (0 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from ThresholdLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/2.TestSetup [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/2.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/2.Test [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/2.Test (0 ms) [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/2.Test2 [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/2.Test2 (1 ms) [----------] 3 tests from ThresholdLayerTest/2 (1 ms total) [----------] 1 test from HDF5OutputLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] HDF5OutputLayerTest/1.TestForward [ OK ] HDF5OutputLayerTest/1.TestForward (1 ms) [----------] 1 test from HDF5OutputLayerTest/1 (1 ms total) [----------] 1 test from MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientCPU [ OK ] MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientCPU (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/1 (0 ms total) [----------] 10 tests from PowerLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerTwoScaleHalfGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerTwoScaleHalfGradient (23 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerZeroGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerZeroGradient (12 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerOne [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerOne (0 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerTwo [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerTwo (0 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerZero [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerZero (0 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerTwoGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerTwoGradient (23 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerGradient (22 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPower [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPower (0 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerGradientShiftZero [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerGradientShiftZero (19 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerOneGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/2.TestPowerOneGradient (17 ms) [----------] 10 tests from PowerLayerTest/2 (116 ms total) [----------] 11 tests from PoolingLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestSetupGlobalPooling [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestSetupGlobalPooling (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestGradientAve [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestGradientAve (1178 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestSetup [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestForwardMaxTopMask [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestForwardMaxTopMask (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestForwardMaxPadded [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestForwardMaxPadded (1 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestGradientMaxTopMask [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestGradientMaxTopMask (2382 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestSetupPadded [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestSetupPadded (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestGradientMax [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestGradientMax (2476 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestForwardAve [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestForwardAve (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestGradientAvePadded [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestGradientAvePadded (3601 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestForwardMax [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/2.TestForwardMax (0 ms) [----------] 11 tests from PoolingLayerTest/2 (9638 ms total) [----------] 20 tests from FilterNetTest [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByStage [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByStage (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByNotStage [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByNotStage (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByStage [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByStage (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByMultipleStage [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByMultipleStage (1 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestNoFilter [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestNoFilter (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByIncludeMultiRule [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByIncludeMultiRule (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInOutByExcludeMultiRule [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInOutByExcludeMultiRule (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInOutByIncludeMultiRule [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInOutByIncludeMultiRule (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMultipleStage2 [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMultipleStage2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByMinLevel [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByMinLevel (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMaxLevel [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMaxLevel (1 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMaxLevel2 [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMaxLevel2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterLeNetTrainTest [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterLeNetTrainTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMultipleStage [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMultipleStage (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByStage2 [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByStage2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMinLevel [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMinLevel (1 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByMaxLevel [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByMaxLevel (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByStage2 [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByStage2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMinLevel2 [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMinLevel2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByNotStage [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByNotStage (0 ms) [----------] 20 tests from FilterNetTest (3 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1.TestStochastic [ OK ] GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1.TestStochastic (28 ms) [ RUN ] GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1.TestStochasticTestPhase [ OK ] GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1.TestStochasticTestPhase (0 ms) [ RUN ] GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradient (9530 ms) [----------] 3 tests from GPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1 (9558 ms total) [----------] 1 test from InfogainLossLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] InfogainLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] InfogainLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from InfogainLossLayerTest/0 (0 ms total) [----------] 44 tests from NeuronLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestAbsVal [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestAbsVal (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestReLUGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestReLUGradient (10 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestReLU [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestReLU (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestSigmoid [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestSigmoid (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestPReLUInPlace [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestPReLUInPlace (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpLayerBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpLayerBase2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestTanH [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestTanH (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1 (20 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogLayerBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogLayerBase2Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogGradientBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogGradientBase2 (17 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 (26 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestBNLLGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestBNLLGradient (11 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestPReLUGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestPReLUGradient (660 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestAbsGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestAbsGradient (11 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogLayer [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogLayer (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestDropoutGradientTest [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestDropoutGradientTest (12 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestDropoutHalf [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestDropoutHalf (26 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpLayer [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpLayer (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogGradientBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogGradientBase2Scale3 (23 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestDropoutTestPhase [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestDropoutTestPhase (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestDropoutThreeQuarters [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestDropoutThreeQuarters (27 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlope [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlope (13 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestPReLUGradientChannelShared [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestPReLUGradientChannelShared (654 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestPReLUConsistencyReLU [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestPReLUConsistencyReLU (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpGradientBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpGradientBase2 (18 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogLayerBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogLayerBase2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1 (23 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpGradientBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpGradientBase2Scale3 (19 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestPReLUForward [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestPReLUForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestSigmoidGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestSigmoidGradient (11 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 (21 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestPReLUForwardChannelShared [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestPReLUForwardChannelShared (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpGradient (13 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestBNLL [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestBNLL (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpLayerBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestExpLayerBase2Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestDropoutGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestDropoutGradient (9495 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestTanHGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestTanHGradient (10 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestLogGradient (14 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestReLUWithNegativeSlope [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestReLUWithNegativeSlope (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestPReLUParam [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/3.TestPReLUParam (0 ms) [----------] 44 tests from NeuronLayerTest/3 (11138 ms total) [----------] 27 tests from ReductionLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSetUp [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSetUp (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestAbsSumCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestAbsSumCoeffGradient (14 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumCoeffAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestMeanCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestMeanCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1Gradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1Gradient (41 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumCoeffAxis1Gradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumCoeffAxis1Gradient (43 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSetUpWithAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSetUpWithAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSetUpWithAxis2 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSetUpWithAxis2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestAbsSumGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestAbsSumGradient (10 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestMeanGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestMeanGradient (16 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1Gradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1Gradient (44 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestMeanCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestMeanCoeffAxis1 (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestMeanCoeffGradientAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestMeanCoeffGradientAxis1 (39 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestMean [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestMean (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumCoeffGradient (17 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSum [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSum (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumGradient (9 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestMeanCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestMeanCoeffGradient (14 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestAbsSum [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestAbsSum (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumOfSquaresCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumOfSquaresCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumOfSquaresGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumOfSquaresGradient (10 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffGradient (14 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumOfSquares [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestSumOfSquares (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1 (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestAbsSumCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/2.TestAbsSumCoeff (0 ms) [----------] 27 tests from ReductionLayerTest/2 (273 ms total) [----------] 10 tests from PowerLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerGradientShiftZero [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerGradientShiftZero (19 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerOneGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerOneGradient (19 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPower [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPower (0 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerTwoGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerTwoGradient (24 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerTwoScaleHalfGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerTwoScaleHalfGradient (23 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerZero [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerZero (0 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerOne [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerOne (0 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerGradient (24 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerZeroGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerZeroGradient (13 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerTwo [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/3.TestPowerTwo (0 ms) [----------] 10 tests from PowerLayerTest/3 (123 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from AccuracyLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardIgnoreLabel [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardIgnoreLabel (0 ms) [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardCPU [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardCPU (1 ms) [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestSetupTopK [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestSetupTopK (0 ms) [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardCPUTopK [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardCPUTopK (0 ms) [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestSetup [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardWithSpatialAxes [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardWithSpatialAxes (1 ms) [----------] 6 tests from AccuracyLayerTest/0 (2 ms total) [----------] 1 test from Im2colKernelTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] Im2colKernelTest/1.TestGPU [ OK ] Im2colKernelTest/1.TestGPU (35 ms) [----------] 1 test from Im2colKernelTest/1 (35 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from ImageDataLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/3.TestRead [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/3.TestRead (109 ms) [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/3.TestReshape [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/3.TestReshape (29 ms) [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/3.TestResize [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/3.TestResize (94 ms) [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/3.TestShuffle [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/3.TestShuffle (153 ms) [----------] 4 tests from ImageDataLayerTest/3 (385 ms total) [----------] 10 tests from EltwiseLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSetUp [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSetUp (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestUnstableProdGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestUnstableProdGradient (4 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSum [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSum (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestStableProdGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestStableProdGradient (3 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestMax [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestMax (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSumGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSumGradient (4 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeff [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestProd [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestProd (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffGradient (3 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestMaxGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestMaxGradient (3 ms) [----------] 10 tests from EltwiseLayerTest/1 (17 ms total) [----------] 1 test from SolverTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SolverTest/2.TestInitTrainTestNets [ OK ] SolverTest/2.TestInitTrainTestNets (1 ms) [----------] 1 test from SolverTest/2 (1 ms total) [----------] 22 tests from NetTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestGetBlob [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestGetBlob (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestSkipPropagateDown [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestSkipPropagateDown (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestGetLayerByName [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestGetLayerByName (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestUnsharedWeightsDiffNet [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestUnsharedWeightsDiffNet (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestBottomNeedBackwardTricky [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestBottomNeedBackwardTricky (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestLossWeightMidNet [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestLossWeightMidNet (5 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestBottomNeedBackwardForce [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestBottomNeedBackwardForce (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestSharedWeightsDiffNet [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestSharedWeightsDiffNet (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestBackwardWithAccuracyLayer [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestBackwardWithAccuracyLayer (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestSharedWeightsDataNet [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestSharedWeightsDataNet (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestReshape [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestReshape (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestComboLossWeight [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestComboLossWeight (5 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestSharedWeightsUpdate [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestSharedWeightsUpdate (2 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestFromTo [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestFromTo (2 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestUnsharedWeightsDataNet [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestUnsharedWeightsDataNet (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestBottomNeedBackwardEuclideanForce [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestBottomNeedBackwardEuclideanForce (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestBottomNeedBackward [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestBottomNeedBackward (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestHasLayer [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestHasLayer (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestLossWeight [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestLossWeight (7 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestParamPropagateDown [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestParamPropagateDown (3 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestSharedWeightsResume [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestSharedWeightsResume (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/3.TestHasBlob [ OK ] NetTest/3.TestHasBlob (1 ms) [----------] 22 tests from NetTest/3 (38 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from ThresholdLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/1.Test2 [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/1.Test2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/1.Test [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/1.Test (0 ms) [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/1.TestSetup [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from ThresholdLayerTest/1 (0 ms total) [----------] 22 tests from NetTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestUnsharedWeightsDataNet [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestUnsharedWeightsDataNet (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackwardForce [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackwardForce (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestBackwardWithAccuracyLayer [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestBackwardWithAccuracyLayer (3 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackwardTricky [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackwardTricky (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestUnsharedWeightsDiffNet [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestUnsharedWeightsDiffNet (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestHasLayer [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestHasLayer (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestGetBlob [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestGetBlob (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestLossWeightMidNet [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestLossWeightMidNet (3 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsDataNet [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsDataNet (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestParamPropagateDown [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestParamPropagateDown (2 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackwardEuclideanForce [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackwardEuclideanForce (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestLossWeight [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestLossWeight (3 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestComboLossWeight [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestComboLossWeight (2 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestFromTo [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestFromTo (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestGetLayerByName [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestGetLayerByName (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsResume [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsResume (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsDiffNet [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsDiffNet (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestHasBlob [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestHasBlob (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestSkipPropagateDown [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestSkipPropagateDown (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackward [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackward (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestReshape [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestReshape (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsUpdate [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsUpdate (1 ms) [----------] 22 tests from NetTest/1 (24 ms total) [----------] 10 tests from PowerLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerZero [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerZero (0 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerOne [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerOne (0 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerTwo [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerTwo (0 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerOneGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerOneGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerTwoGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerTwoGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerTwoScaleHalfGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerTwoScaleHalfGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerGradientShiftZero [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerGradientShiftZero (3 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerZeroGradient [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerZeroGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPower [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPower (0 ms) [----------] 10 tests from PowerLayerTest/0 (12 ms total) [----------] 27 tests from ReductionLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumOfSquaresGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumOfSquaresGradient (10 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumOfSquares [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumOfSquares (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSetUp [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSetUp (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestMeanCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestMeanCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestAbsSumCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestAbsSumCoeffGradient (15 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumCoeffAxis1Gradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumCoeffAxis1Gradient (44 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestAbsSumGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestAbsSumGradient (10 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestAbsSum [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestAbsSum (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSetUpWithAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSetUpWithAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestMeanCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestMeanCoeffGradient (14 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumGradient (9 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumOfSquaresCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumOfSquaresCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestAbsSumCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestAbsSumCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1Gradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1Gradient (42 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1Gradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1Gradient (45 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumCoeffGradient (15 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestMeanCoeffGradientAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestMeanCoeffGradientAxis1 (45 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumCoeffAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestMeanGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestMeanGradient (14 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSum [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSum (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumCoeff [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestMeanCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestMeanCoeffAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSetUpWithAxis2 [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSetUpWithAxis2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestMean [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestMean (1 ms) [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffGradient [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/3.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffGradient (13 ms) [----------] 27 tests from ReductionLayerTest/3 (278 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from DummyDataLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] DummyDataLayerTest/0.TestThreeTopConstantGaussianConstant [ OK ] DummyDataLayerTest/0.TestThreeTopConstantGaussianConstant (0 ms) [ RUN ] DummyDataLayerTest/0.TestTwoTopConstant [ OK ] DummyDataLayerTest/0.TestTwoTopConstant (0 ms) [ RUN ] DummyDataLayerTest/0.TestOneTopConstant [ OK ] DummyDataLayerTest/0.TestOneTopConstant (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from DummyDataLayerTest/0 (0 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from ThresholdLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/0.TestSetup [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/0.Test [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/0.Test (0 ms) [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/0.Test2 [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/0.Test2 (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from ThresholdLayerTest/0 (0 ms total) [----------] 1 test from InternalThreadTest [ RUN ] InternalThreadTest.TestStartAndExit [ OK ] InternalThreadTest.TestStartAndExit (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from InternalThreadTest (0 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from SliceLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/3.TestSetupNum [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/3.TestSetupNum (0 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/3.TestGradientAcrossNum [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/3.TestGradientAcrossNum (365 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/3.TestSliceAcrossNum [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/3.TestSliceAcrossNum (1 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/3.TestGradientAcrossChannels [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/3.TestGradientAcrossChannels (370 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/3.TestSetupChannels [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/3.TestSetupChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/3.TestSliceAcrossChannels [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/3.TestSliceAcrossChannels (0 ms) [----------] 6 tests from SliceLayerTest/3 (736 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUCuDNN (0 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoidCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoidCuDNN (0 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUWithNegativeSlopeCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUWithNegativeSlopeCuDNN (0 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoidGradientCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoidGradientCuDNN (16 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanHCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanHCuDNN (0 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanHGradientCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanHGradientCuDNN (15 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradientCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradientCuDNN (15 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlopeCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlopeCuDNN (12 ms) [----------] 8 tests from CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/1 (58 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from MVNLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestForwardMeanOnly [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestForwardMeanOnly (0 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestForwardAcrossChannels [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestForwardAcrossChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannels [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannels (238 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestForward [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestGradient (237 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestGradientMeanOnly [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestGradientMeanOnly (238 ms) [----------] 6 tests from MVNLayerTest/1 (713 ms total) [----------] 1 test from HDF5OutputLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] HDF5OutputLayerTest/0.TestForward [ OK ] HDF5OutputLayerTest/0.TestForward (2 ms) [----------] 1 test from HDF5OutputLayerTest/0 (2 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from TanHLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/0.TestTanH [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/0.TestTanH (0 ms) [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/0.TestTanHOverflow [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/0.TestTanHOverflow (0 ms) [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/0.TestTanHGradient [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/0.TestTanHGradient (1 ms) [----------] 3 tests from TanHLayerTest/0 (1 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from FlattenLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/2.TestSetupWithAxis [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/2.TestSetupWithAxis (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/2.TestSetup [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/2.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/2.TestSetupWithStartAndEndAxis [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/2.TestSetupWithStartAndEndAxis (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/2.TestSetupWithEndAxis [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/2.TestSetupWithEndAxis (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/2.TestGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/2.TestForward [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/2.TestForward (0 ms) [----------] 6 tests from FlattenLayerTest/2 (3 ms total) [----------] 12 tests from ReshapeLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestCopyDimensions [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestCopyDimensions (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInferenceOfUnspecified [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInferenceOfUnspecified (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInferenceOfUnspecifiedWithStartAxis [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInferenceOfUnspecifiedWithStartAxis (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInsertSingletonAxesEnd [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInsertSingletonAxesEnd (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInsertSingletonAxesMiddle [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInsertSingletonAxesMiddle (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestForwardAfterReshape [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestForwardAfterReshape (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestFlattenOutputSizes [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestFlattenOutputSizes (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestFlattenMiddle [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestFlattenMiddle (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestFlattenValues [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestFlattenValues (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestForward [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestGradient (3 ms) [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInsertSingletonAxesStart [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInsertSingletonAxesStart (0 ms) [----------] 12 tests from ReshapeLayerTest/1 (3 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from EuclideanLossLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/2.TestGradient (15 ms) [ RUN ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/2.TestForward [ OK ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/2.TestForward (0 ms) [----------] 2 tests from EuclideanLossLayerTest/2 (15 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from SyncedMemoryTest [ RUN ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestInitialization [ OK ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestInitialization (0 ms) [ RUN ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestAllocationCPUGPU [ OK ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestAllocationCPUGPU (0 ms) [ RUN ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestAllocationCPU [ OK ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestAllocationCPU (0 ms) [ RUN ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestCPUWrite [ OK ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestCPUWrite (0 ms) [ RUN ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestGPURead [ OK ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestGPURead (0 ms) [ RUN ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestGPUWrite [ OK ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestGPUWrite (0 ms) [ RUN ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestAllocationGPU [ OK ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestAllocationGPU (0 ms) [----------] 7 tests from SyncedMemoryTest (0 ms total) [----------] 1 test from ConstantFillerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] ConstantFillerTest/0.TestFill [ OK ] ConstantFillerTest/0.TestFill (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from ConstantFillerTest/0 (0 ms total) [----------] 1 test from PositiveUnitballFillerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] PositiveUnitballFillerTest/1.TestFill [ OK ] PositiveUnitballFillerTest/1.TestFill (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from PositiveUnitballFillerTest/1 (0 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradientCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradientCuDNN (872 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSobelConvolutionCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSobelConvolutionCuDNN (1 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolutionCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolutionCuDNN (1 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradientGroupCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradientGroupCuDNN (324 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolutionGroupCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolutionGroupCuDNN (0 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSetupCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSetupCuDNN (1 ms) [----------] 6 tests from CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0 (1199 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/3.TestSigmoidCrossEntropyLoss [ OK ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/3.TestSigmoidCrossEntropyLoss (12 ms) [ RUN ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/3.TestGradient (8 ms) [----------] 2 tests from SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/3 (20 ms total) [----------] 1 test from ProtoTest [ RUN ] ProtoTest.TestSerialization Printing in binary format. testTest Printing in text format. name: "test" type: "Test" [ OK ] ProtoTest.TestSerialization (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from ProtoTest (0 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/2.TestForwardIgnoreLabel [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/2.TestForwardIgnoreLabel (3 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/2.TestGradientUnnormalized [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/2.TestGradientUnnormalized (237 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/2.TestGradient (256 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/2.TestGradientIgnoreLabel [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/2.TestGradientIgnoreLabel (258 ms) [----------] 4 tests from SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/2 (754 ms total) [----------] 18 tests from RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniform2GPU [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniform2GPU (28 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngBernoulli2 [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngBernoulli2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniform [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniform (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniform2 [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniform2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngBernoulli [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngBernoulli (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussianTimesBernoulli [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussianTimesBernoulli (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussian [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussian (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussianTimesGaussianGPU [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussianTimesGaussianGPU (29 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniformGPU [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniformGPU (27 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniformTimesUniform [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniformTimesUniform (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngBernoulliTimesBernoulli [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngBernoulliTimesBernoulli (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussianGPU [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussianGPU (29 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussian2GPU [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussian2GPU (27 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussian2 [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussian2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussianTimesGaussian [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussianTimesGaussian (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniformTimesUniformGPU [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniformTimesUniformGPU (27 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniformTimesBernoulli [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniformTimesBernoulli (1 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniformIntGPU [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniformIntGPU (27 ms) [----------] 18 tests from RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1 (197 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from MSRAFillerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/1.TestFillAverage [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/1.TestFillAverage (1 ms) [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/1.TestFillFanOut [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/1.TestFillFanOut (0 ms) [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/1.TestFillFanIn [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/1.TestFillFanIn (1 ms) [----------] 3 tests from MSRAFillerTest/1 (2 ms total) [----------] 10 tests from EltwiseLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestSumCoeff [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestSumCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestStableProdGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestStableProdGradient (43 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestProd [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestProd (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestUnstableProdGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestUnstableProdGradient (36 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestMaxGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestMaxGradient (38 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestSum [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestSum (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestMax [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestMax (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestSumGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestSumGradient (50 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestSumCoeffGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestSumCoeffGradient (50 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestSetUp [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/2.TestSetUp (0 ms) [----------] 10 tests from EltwiseLayerTest/2 (217 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from XavierFillerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] XavierFillerTest/1.TestFillAverage [ OK ] XavierFillerTest/1.TestFillAverage (0 ms) [ RUN ] XavierFillerTest/1.TestFillFanOut [ OK ] XavierFillerTest/1.TestFillFanOut (0 ms) [ RUN ] XavierFillerTest/1.TestFillFanIn [ OK ] XavierFillerTest/1.TestFillFanIn (1 ms) [----------] 3 tests from XavierFillerTest/1 (1 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from SplitLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/1.TestSetup [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/1.TestGradient (4 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/1.Test [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/1.Test (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from SplitLayerTest/1 (4 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from InnerProductLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/3.TestSetUp [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/3.TestSetUp (0 ms) [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/3.TestGradient (1313 ms) [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/3.TestForward [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/3.TestForward (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from InnerProductLayerTest/3 (1313 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from MSRAFillerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillFanIn [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillFanIn (1 ms) [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillAverage [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillAverage (0 ms) [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillFanOut [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillFanOut (1 ms) [----------] 3 tests from MSRAFillerTest/0 (2 ms total) [----------] 1 test from GaussianFillerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] GaussianFillerTest/1.TestFill [ OK ] GaussianFillerTest/1.TestFill (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from GaussianFillerTest/1 (0 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from CuDNNSoftmaxLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] CuDNNSoftmaxLayerTest/0.TestGradientCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNSoftmaxLayerTest/0.TestGradientCuDNN (7648 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNSoftmaxLayerTest/0.TestForwardCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNSoftmaxLayerTest/0.TestForwardCuDNN (1 ms) [----------] 2 tests from CuDNNSoftmaxLayerTest/0 (7649 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/2.TestGradient (8 ms) [ RUN ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/2.TestSigmoidCrossEntropyLoss [ OK ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/2.TestSigmoidCrossEntropyLoss (13 ms) [----------] 2 tests from SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/2 (21 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from MemoryDataLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.TestForward [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.TestForward (17 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.TestSetup [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.TestSetup (1 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.TestSetBatchSize [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.TestSetBatchSize (1 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.AddDatumVectorDefaultTransform [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.AddDatumVectorDefaultTransform (0 ms) [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.AddMatVectorDefaultTransform [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.AddMatVectorDefaultTransform (1 ms) [----------] 5 tests from MemoryDataLayerTest/0 (20 ms total) [----------] 11 tests from PoolingLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestForwardMaxPadded [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestForwardMaxPadded (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestSetupGlobalPooling [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestSetupGlobalPooling (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestForwardMaxTopMask [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestForwardMaxTopMask (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestGradientMaxTopMask [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestGradientMaxTopMask (2655 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestGradientAve [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestGradientAve (1305 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestSetupPadded [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestSetupPadded (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestForwardAve [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestForwardAve (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestForwardMax [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestForwardMax (0 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestGradientAvePadded [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestGradientAvePadded (3861 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestGradientMax [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestGradientMax (2605 ms) [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestSetup [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/3.TestSetup (0 ms) [----------] 11 tests from PoolingLayerTest/3 (10426 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from DeconvolutionLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSetup [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradient (520 ms) [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleDeconvolution [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleDeconvolution (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from DeconvolutionLayerTest/1 (520 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from FlattenLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/3.TestForward [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/3.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/3.TestSetupWithEndAxis [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/3.TestSetupWithEndAxis (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/3.TestGradient (3 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/3.TestSetupWithStartAndEndAxis [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/3.TestSetupWithStartAndEndAxis (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/3.TestSetup [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/3.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/3.TestSetupWithAxis [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/3.TestSetupWithAxis (0 ms) [----------] 6 tests from FlattenLayerTest/3 (3 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from GPUMathFunctionsTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestCopy [ OK ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestCopy (5 ms) [ RUN ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestSgnbit [ OK ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestSgnbit (4 ms) [ RUN ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestSign [ OK ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestSign (4 ms) [ RUN ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestAsum [ OK ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestAsum (3 ms) [ RUN ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestFabs [ OK ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestFabs (5 ms) [ RUN ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestScale [ OK ] GPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestScale (3 ms) [----------] 6 tests from GPUMathFunctionsTest/1 (24 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from EuclideanLossLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/3.TestForward [ OK ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/3.TestForward (1 ms) [ RUN ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/3.TestGradient (15 ms) [----------] 2 tests from EuclideanLossLayerTest/3 (16 ms total) [----------] 7 tests from NesterovSolverTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (5 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth (5 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdate [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdate (5 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (1 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (26 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum (10 ms) [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter (25 ms) [----------] 7 tests from NesterovSolverTest/1 (77 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from CommonTest [ RUN ] CommonTest.TestRandSeedCPU [ OK ] CommonTest.TestRandSeedCPU (0 ms) [ RUN ] CommonTest.TestBrewMode [ OK ] CommonTest.TestBrewMode (0 ms) [ RUN ] CommonTest.TestCublasHandlerGPU [ OK ] CommonTest.TestCublasHandlerGPU (0 ms) [ RUN ] CommonTest.TestRandSeedGPU [ OK ] CommonTest.TestRandSeedGPU (57 ms) [----------] 4 tests from CommonTest (57 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient (100 ms) [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientLegacy [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientLegacy (92 ms) [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestForward [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestForwardLegacy [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestForwardLegacy (0 ms) [----------] 4 tests from ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0 (192 ms total) [----------] 1 test from PlatformTest [ RUN ] PlatformTest.TestInitialization Major revision number: 3 Minor revision number: 0 Name: GeForce GT 755M Total global memory: 1073283072 Total shared memory per block: 49152 Total registers per block: 65536 Warp size: 32 Maximum memory pitch: 2147483647 Maximum threads per block: 1024 Maximum dimension 0 of block: 1024 Maximum dimension 1 of block: 1024 Maximum dimension 2 of block: 64 Maximum dimension 0 of grid: 2147483647 Maximum dimension 1 of grid: 65535 Maximum dimension 2 of grid: 65535 Clock rate: 1085000 Total constant memory: 65536 Texture alignment: 512 Concurrent copy and execution: Yes Number of multiprocessors: 2 Kernel execution timeout: Yes Unified virtual addressing: Yes [ OK ] PlatformTest.TestInitialization (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from PlatformTest (0 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from ContrastiveLossLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/2.TestForwardLegacy [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/2.TestForwardLegacy (1 ms) [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/2.TestGradientLegacy [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/2.TestGradientLegacy (357 ms) [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/2.TestGradient (354 ms) [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/2.TestForward [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/2.TestForward (1 ms) [----------] 4 tests from ContrastiveLossLayerTest/2 (713 ms total) [----------] 12 tests from DataLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainLMDB (51 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTestLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTestLevelDB (35 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadLevelDB (9 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReshapeLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReshapeLMDB (19 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainLevelDB (5 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLMDB (29 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLevelDB (7 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTestLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTestLMDB (19 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadLMDB (24 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReshapeLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReshapeLevelDB (5 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLMDB (27 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLevelDB (7 ms) [----------] 12 tests from DataLayerTest/1 (238 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from ContrastiveLossLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/3.TestForward [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/3.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/3.TestForwardLegacy [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/3.TestForwardLegacy (1 ms) [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/3.TestGradient (431 ms) [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/3.TestGradientLegacy [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/3.TestGradientLegacy (426 ms) [----------] 4 tests from ContrastiveLossLayerTest/3 (858 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from EuclideanLossLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/1.TestForward [ OK ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient [ OK ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient (1 ms) [----------] 2 tests from EuclideanLossLayerTest/1 (1 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from NetUpgradeTest [ RUN ] NetUpgradeTest.TestAllParams [ OK ] NetUpgradeTest.TestAllParams (0 ms) [ RUN ] NetUpgradeTest.TestUpgradeV1LayerType [ OK ] NetUpgradeTest.TestUpgradeV1LayerType (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetUpgradeTest.TestImageNet [ OK ] NetUpgradeTest.TestImageNet (1 ms) [ RUN ] NetUpgradeTest.TestSimple [ OK ] NetUpgradeTest.TestSimple (0 ms) [----------] 4 tests from NetUpgradeTest (2 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from HingeLossLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] HingeLossLayerTest/3.TestGradientL1 [ OK ] HingeLossLayerTest/3.TestGradientL1 (5 ms) [ RUN ] HingeLossLayerTest/3.TestGradientL2 [ OK ] HingeLossLayerTest/3.TestGradientL2 (5 ms) [----------] 2 tests from HingeLossLayerTest/3 (10 ms total) [----------] 12 tests from DataLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReshapeLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReshapeLevelDB (101 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTestLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTestLMDB (19 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLevelDB (8 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTestLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTestLevelDB (5 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLMDB (30 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLevelDB (8 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadLevelDB (15 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadLMDB (30 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReshapeLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReshapeLMDB (20 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTrainLevelDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTrainLevelDB (5 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTrainLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTrainLMDB (20 ms) [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLMDB [ OK ] DataLayerTest/2.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLMDB (29 ms) [----------] 12 tests from DataLayerTest/2 (290 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from SliceLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSliceAcrossNum [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSliceAcrossNum (0 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSliceAcrossChannels [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSliceAcrossChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSetupChannels [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSetupChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannels [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannels (40 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossNum [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossNum (36 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSetupNum [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSetupNum (0 ms) [----------] 6 tests from SliceLayerTest/0 (76 ms total) [----------] 1 test from MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientCPU [ OK ] MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientCPU (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/0 (0 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from GemmTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] GemmTest/0.TestGemmCPUGPU [ OK ] GemmTest/0.TestGemmCPUGPU (1 ms) [ RUN ] GemmTest/0.TestGemvCPUGPU [ OK ] GemmTest/0.TestGemvCPUGPU (0 ms) [----------] 2 tests from GemmTest/0 (1 ms total) [----------] 4 tests from SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestForwardIgnoreLabel [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestForwardIgnoreLabel (0 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientUnnormalized [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientUnnormalized (6 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientIgnoreLabel [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientIgnoreLabel (6 ms) [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient (6 ms) [----------] 4 tests from SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0 (18 ms total) [----------] 12 tests from DataTransformTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMirrorTest [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMirrorTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropSize [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropSize (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropTest [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropTrain [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropTrain (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMirrorTrain [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMirrorTrain (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMeanValue [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMeanValue (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropMirrorTest [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropMirrorTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMeanValues [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMeanValues (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestEmptyTransform [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestEmptyTransform (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestEmptyTransformUniquePixels [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestEmptyTransformUniquePixels (0 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMeanFile [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMeanFile (1 ms) [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropMirrorTrain [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropMirrorTrain (0 ms) [----------] 12 tests from DataTransformTest/1 (1 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUWithNegativeSlopeCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUWithNegativeSlopeCuDNN (0 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestSigmoidGradientCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestSigmoidGradientCuDNN (17 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUGradientCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUGradientCuDNN (16 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestTanHGradientCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestTanHGradientCuDNN (16 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestTanHCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestTanHCuDNN (1 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestSigmoidCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestSigmoidCuDNN (0 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlopeCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlopeCuDNN (11 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUCuDNN (0 ms) [----------] 8 tests from CuDNNNeuronLayerTest/0 (61 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from AdaGradSolverTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/3.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdate [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/3.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdate (6 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/3.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/3.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (7 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/3.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/3.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateLROneTenth (6 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/3.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (5 ms) [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/3.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/3.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (39 ms) [----------] 5 tests from AdaGradSolverTest/3 (63 ms total) [----------] 1 test from HDF5DataLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] HDF5DataLayerTest/3.TestRead [ OK ] HDF5DataLayerTest/3.TestRead (6 ms) [----------] 1 test from HDF5DataLayerTest/3 (6 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from MaxPoolingDropoutTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/3.TestBackward [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/3.TestBackward (28 ms) [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/3.TestSetup [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/3.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/3.TestForward [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/3.TestForward (28 ms) [----------] 3 tests from MaxPoolingDropoutTest/3 (56 ms total) [----------] 18 tests from RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0, where TypeParam = f [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussian2 [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussian2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniformTimesBernoulli [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniformTimesBernoulli (1 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussianTimesBernoulli [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussianTimesBernoulli (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngBernoulliTimesBernoulli [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngBernoulliTimesBernoulli (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngBernoulli2 [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngBernoulli2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngBernoulli [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngBernoulli (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniform2 [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniform2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussianGPU [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussianGPU (29 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniformTimesUniform [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniformTimesUniform (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniformIntGPU [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniformIntGPU (28 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussianTimesGaussianGPU [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussianTimesGaussianGPU (26 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussianTimesGaussian [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussianTimesGaussian (1 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussian2GPU [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussian2GPU (28 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniform [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniform (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussian [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussian (0 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniformTimesUniformGPU [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniformTimesUniformGPU (30 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniformGPU [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniformGPU (27 ms) [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniform2GPU [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniform2GPU (27 ms) [----------] 18 tests from RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0 (197 ms total) [----------] 44 tests from NeuronLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 (19 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlope [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlope (12 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestTanH [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestTanH (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestSigmoidGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestSigmoidGradient (13 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1 (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestAbsVal [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestAbsVal (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestPReLUInPlace [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestPReLUInPlace (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestTanHGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestTanHGradient (10 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpLayer [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpLayer (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestDropoutTestPhase [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestDropoutTestPhase (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpGradient (14 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpLayerBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpLayerBase2Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpGradientBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpGradientBase2Scale3 (16 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestAbsGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestAbsGradient (13 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogGradient (13 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestPReLUForward [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestPReLUForward (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestPReLUGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestPReLUGradient (661 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestReLUGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestReLUGradient (10 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestDropoutThreeQuarters [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestDropoutThreeQuarters (28 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestReLUWithNegativeSlope [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestReLUWithNegativeSlope (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestDropoutHalf [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestDropoutHalf (29 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpGradientBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpGradientBase2 (16 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestReLU [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestReLU (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1 (21 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestDropoutGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestDropoutGradient (9497 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogGradientBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogGradientBase2 (15 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestPReLUForwardChannelShared [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestPReLUForwardChannelShared (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogLayer [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogLayer (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestPReLUParam [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestPReLUParam (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogGradientBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogGradientBase2Scale3 (21 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestBNLL [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestBNLL (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestPReLUGradientChannelShared [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestPReLUGradientChannelShared (657 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestBNLLGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestBNLLGradient (10 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestDropoutGradientTest [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestDropoutGradientTest (11 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 (24 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestPReLUConsistencyReLU [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestPReLUConsistencyReLU (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1 (23 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogLayerBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogLayerBase2Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestSigmoid [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestSigmoid (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpLayerBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestExpLayerBase2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1 (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogLayerBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/2.TestLogLayerBase2 (0 ms) [----------] 44 tests from NeuronLayerTest/2 (11139 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from MVNLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/3.TestGradientMeanOnly [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/3.TestGradientMeanOnly (3119 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/3.TestForward [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/3.TestForward (1 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/3.TestForwardMeanOnly [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/3.TestForwardMeanOnly (0 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/3.TestGradientAcrossChannels [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/3.TestGradientAcrossChannels (3131 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/3.TestGradient (3123 ms) [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/3.TestForwardAcrossChannels [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/3.TestForwardAcrossChannels (0 ms) [----------] 6 tests from MVNLayerTest/3 (9375 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from SplitLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/2.TestSetup [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/2.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/2.Test [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/2.Test (0 ms) [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/2.TestGradient (15 ms) [----------] 3 tests from SplitLayerTest/2 (15 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from SliceLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/2.TestSetupChannels [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/2.TestSetupChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/2.TestGradientAcrossNum [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/2.TestGradientAcrossNum (364 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/2.TestSetupNum [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/2.TestSetupNum (0 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/2.TestGradientAcrossChannels [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/2.TestGradientAcrossChannels (369 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/2.TestSliceAcrossChannels [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/2.TestSliceAcrossChannels (0 ms) [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/2.TestSliceAcrossNum [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/2.TestSliceAcrossNum (0 ms) [----------] 6 tests from SliceLayerTest/2 (734 ms total) [----------] 1 test from UniformFillerTest/1, where TypeParam = d [ RUN ] UniformFillerTest/1.TestFill [ OK ] UniformFillerTest/1.TestFill (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from UniformFillerTest/1 (0 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from BlobMathTest/1, where TypeParam = N5caffe9CPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/1.TestAsum [ OK ] BlobMathTest/1.TestAsum (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/1.TestScaleData [ OK ] BlobMathTest/1.TestScaleData (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/1.TestSumOfSquares [ OK ] BlobMathTest/1.TestSumOfSquares (0 ms) [----------] 3 tests from BlobMathTest/1 (0 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from ConvolutionLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.Test1x1Gradient [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.Test1x1Gradient (9238 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.TestSimpleConvolution [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.TestSimpleConvolution (1 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.Test1x1Convolution [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.Test1x1Convolution (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.TestGradient (1461 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.TestSobelConvolution [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.TestSobelConvolution (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.TestGradientGroup [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.TestGradientGroup (433 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.TestSetup [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.TestSimpleConvolutionGroup [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/3.TestSimpleConvolutionGroup (1 ms) [----------] 8 tests from ConvolutionLayerTest/3 (11134 ms total) [----------] 1 test from InfogainLossLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] InfogainLossLayerTest/3.TestGradient [ OK ] InfogainLossLayerTest/3.TestGradient (4 ms) [----------] 1 test from InfogainLossLayerTest/3 (4 ms total) [----------] 1 test from HDF5OutputLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] HDF5OutputLayerTest/3.TestForward [ OK ] HDF5OutputLayerTest/3.TestForward (2 ms) [----------] 1 test from HDF5OutputLayerTest/3 (2 ms total) [----------] 3 tests from DeconvolutionLayerTest/2, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIfEE [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/2.TestSetup [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/2.TestSetup (0 ms) [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/2.TestSimpleDeconvolution [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/2.TestSimpleDeconvolution (1 ms) [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/2.TestGradient [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/2.TestGradient (9202 ms) [----------] 3 tests from DeconvolutionLayerTest/2 (9203 ms total) [----------] 10 tests from EltwiseLayerTest/3, where TypeParam = N5caffe9GPUDeviceIdEE [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestSumGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestSumGradient (47 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestMax [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestMax (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestSum [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestSum (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestSumCoeff [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestSumCoeff (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestSetUp [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestSetUp (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestUnstableProdGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestUnstableProdGradient (41 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestStableProdGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestStableProdGradient (42 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestMaxGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestMaxGradient (39 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestProd [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestProd (0 ms) [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestSumCoeffGradient [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/3.TestSumCoeffGradient (52 ms) [----------] 10 tests from EltwiseLayerTest/3 (221 ms total) [----------] Global test environment tear-down [==========] 1404 tests from 222 test cases ran. (244765 ms total) [ PASSED ] 1404 tests. YOU HAVE 2 DISABLED TESTS