Let’s re-use our classifier net of license plate letters to see how it behaves as a feature map of images including more than one letter. Replacing the innerproduct layers with convolution layers with the same parameters will enable to create a feature map as on the left picture :
I’ll use Caffe’s python interface .
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
% matplotlib inline
from PIL import Image
import lmdb
import caffe
plt . rcParams [ 'figure.figsize' ] = ( 1 , 1 )
plt . rcParams [ 'image.interpolation' ] = 'nearest'
plt . rcParams [ 'image.cmap' ] = 'gray'
Have a look at the training data
env = lmdb . open ( 'test_lmdb' )
t = [ 'A' , 'B' , 'C' , 'D' , 'E' , 'F' , 'G' , 'H' , 'I' , 'J' , 'K' , 'L' , 'M' , 'N' , 'O' , 'P' , 'Q' , 'R' , 'S' , 'T' , 'U' , 'V' , 'W' , 'X' , 'Y' , 'Z' , '0' , '1' , '2' , '3' , '4' , '5' , '6' , '7' , '8' , '9' ];
def get ( k ):
with env . begin () as txn :
raw_datum = txn . get ( k )
datum = caffe . proto . caffe_pb2 . Datum ()
datum . ParseFromString ( raw_datum )
flat_x = np . fromstring ( datum . data , dtype = np . uint8 )
x = flat_x . reshape ( datum . channels , datum . height , datum . width )
y = datum . label
plt . imshow ( x [ 0 ,...], cmap = 'gray' )
plt . show ()
print t [ y ]
get ( b '00000006' )
get ( b '00000009' )
Test the network for classification
caffe . set_mode_cpu ()
net = caffe . Net ( 'lenet_train_test_withoutdata.prototxt' , 'lenet_iter_2000.caffemodel' , caffe . TEST )
print ( "blobs {} \n params {}" . format ( net . blobs . keys (), net . params . keys ()))
im = np . array ( Image . open ( 'input/8.png' ))
plt . title ( "original image" )
plt . imshow ( im )
plt . axis ( 'off' )
will output
blobs ['data', 'conv1', 'pool1', 'conv2', 'pool2', 'dropout', 'ip1', 'ip2-alpha']
params ['conv1', 'conv2', 'ip1', 'ip2-alpha']
(-0.5, 27.5, 27.5, -0.5)
im . shape
im_input = im [ np . newaxis , np . newaxis , :, :]
net . blobs [ 'data' ]. reshape ( * im_input . shape )
net . blobs [ 'data' ]. data [...] = im_input
plt . rcParams [ 'figure.figsize' ] = ( 10 , 10 )
out = net . forward ()
plt . figure ()
filt_min , filt_max = net . blobs [ 'conv1' ]. data . min (), net . blobs [ 'conv1' ]. data . max ()
for i in range ( 9 ):
plt . subplot ( 1 , 10 , i + 2 )
plt . title ( "filter #{} output" . format ( i ))
plt . imshow ( net . blobs [ 'conv1' ]. data [ 0 , i ], vmin = filt_min , vmax = filt_max )
print ( "The result is {}" . format ( t [ out [ 'ip2-alpha' ]. argmax ()]))
#Feature map
Let’s cast the innerproduct layers ‘ip1’ and ‘ip2-alpha’ into convolution layers ‘ip1-conv’ and ‘ip2-alpha-conv’ :
!diff lenet_train_test_withoutdata.prototxt lenet_train_test_featuremap.prototxt
< name: "LeNet"
> name: "LeNetConv"
< name: "ip1"
< type: "InnerProduct"
> name: "ip1-conv"
> type: "Convolution"
< top: "ip1"
< param {
< lr_mult: 1
< }
< param {
< lr_mult: 2
< }
< inner_product_param {
> top: "ip1-conv"
> convolution_param {
< weight_filler {
< type: "xavier"
< }
< bias_filler {
< type: "constant"
< }
> kernel_size: 1
< bottom: "ip1"
< top: "ip1"
> bottom: "ip1-conv"
> top: "ip1-conv"
< name: "ip2-alpha"
< type: "InnerProduct"
< bottom: "ip1"
< top: "ip2-alpha"
< param {
< lr_mult: 1
< }
< param {
< lr_mult: 2
< }
< inner_product_param {
> name: "ip2-alpha-conv"
> type: "Convolution"
> bottom: "ip1-conv"
> top: "ip2-alpha-conv"
> convolution_param {
< weight_filler {
< type: "xavier"
< }
< bias_filler {
< type: "constant"
< }
> kernel_size: 1
params = [ 'ip1' , 'ip2-alpha' ]
# fc_params = {name: (weights, biases)}
fc_params = { pr : ( net . params [ pr ][ 0 ]. data , net . params [ pr ][ 1 ]. data ) for pr in params }
for fc in params :
print '{} weights are {} dimensional and biases are {} dimensional' . format ( fc , fc_params [ fc ][ 0 ]. shape , fc_params [ fc ][ 1 ]. shape )
ip1 weights are (500, 800) dimensional and biases are (500,) dimensional
ip2-alpha weights are (36, 500) dimensional and biases are (36,) dimensional
# Load the fully convolutional network to transplant the parameters.
net_full_conv = caffe . Net ( 'lenet_train_test_featuremap.prototxt' , 'lenet_iter_2000.caffemodel' , caffe . TEST )
params_full_conv = [ 'ip1-conv' , 'ip2-alpha-conv' ]
# conv_params = {name: (weights, biases)}
conv_params = { pr : ( net_full_conv . params [ pr ][ 0 ]. data , net_full_conv . params [ pr ][ 1 ]. data ) for pr in params_full_conv }
for conv in params_full_conv :
print '{} weights are {} dimensional and biases are {} dimensional' . format ( conv , conv_params [ conv ][ 0 ]. shape , conv_params [ conv ][ 1 ]. shape )
ip1-conv weights are (500, 50, 1, 1) dimensional and biases are (500,) dimensional
ip2-alpha-conv weights are (36, 500, 1, 1) dimensional and biases are (36,) dimensional
for pr , pr_conv in zip ( params , params_full_conv ):
conv_params [ pr_conv ][ 0 ]. flat = fc_params [ pr ][ 0 ]. flat # flat unrolls the arrays
conv_params [ pr_conv ][ 1 ][...] = fc_params [ pr ][ 1 ]
net_full_conv . save ( 'lenet_train_test__full_conv.caffemodel' )
plt . rcParams [ 'figure.figsize' ] = ( 10 , 5 )
im = np . array ( Image . open ( 'input/p1.jpg' ))
plt . title ( "original image" )
plt . imshow ( im )
plt . axis ( 'off' )
im . shape #(322, 800, 3)
import cv2
im_gray = cv2 . cvtColor ( im , cv2 . COLOR_BGR2GRAY )
im_gray = cv2 . resize ( im_gray , None , fx = 0.9 , fy = 0.9 , interpolation = cv2 . INTER_AREA )
plt . title ( "Gray image" )
plt . imshow ( im_gray )
plt . axis ( 'off' )
im_gray . shape #(290, 720)
im_input = im_gray [ np . newaxis , np . newaxis , :, :]
net_full_conv . blobs [ 'data' ]. reshape ( * im_input . shape )
net_full_conv . blobs [ 'data' ]. data [...] = im_input
out = net_full_conv . forward ()
out [ 'ip2-alpha-conv' ]. shape # (1, 36, 70, 177)
# show net input and confidence map (probability of the top prediction at each location)
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 1 )
plt . imshow ( net_full_conv . blobs [ 'data' ]. data [ 0 , 0 ])
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 2 )
plt . imshow ( out [ 'ip2-alpha-conv' ][ 0 , 0 ] )
Here we are !